Lucho & Juliet // 睡美人的故事

Lucho & Juliet // 睡美人的故事 是杂志 CF Fashion Book No.1 主题大片,其中文案和摄影由知名服装设计师 Tom Ford 操手。主题大片的意思是为原本美丽的公主和英俊的王子在一起幸福的生活,有一天一个被王子唾弃的邪恶皇后,给公主一个有毒的苹果,公主因此中毒而长睡不醒。无论王子怎么去呼唤她,也无法叫醒公主。

Lucho & Juliet
CR Fashion Book No.1
Written & Shot by: Tom Ford
Models: Juliet Ingleby & Lucho Jacob

Once upon a time, hight above Manhattan, lived a Prince and Princess of New York.
The Princess was breathtakingly beautiful, and she was adored by her handsome Prince. When she was good, she was very, very good, bet when she was bad, she was gorgeous.

One day, one of the wicked queens of Park Avenue, who had been spurned by the handsome Prince while shopping at Cartier, sent the Princess a shiny, perfect “Poison” apple in a beautiful box from Dior. The Princess was enchanted, and, as she adored anything from Dior, she took a bite. Instantly, she fell into a sleep so deep and dark that even the passionate kisses of her handsome Prince could not awaken her.